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Brand Products

Thanks to Pioneer's leading research and genetics,
we're able to place the right product on the right acre, to help your operation succeed and maximize return on investment. See what Pioneer products we offer below.
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Nobody knows corn like Pioneer, and we're proud to provide every line of corn that Pioneer has to offer. Trait technologies include Qrome, AcreMax, and Aquamax. We also offer white corn, waxy corn, and conventional corn to fit the market you need.

The soybean market has been challenging with so many trait changes over recent years. Thankfully, Pioneer has you covered. We offer Liberty, RR2Xtend, Enlist E3, and Roundup Ready soybeans. We also offer market specific high-oleic and conventional soybeans.

Built with superior winterhardiness and disease resistance, Pioneer wheat delivers best-in-class yield potential. Our varieties offer superior adaptability with excellent standability, optimal height, and very good lodging resistance.


Pioneer's sorghum provides the total package for unparalleled results. We offer the biggest selection in the industry, combining elite genetics, leading agronomics and defensive characteristics in a wide range of maturities for award-winning performance.

Pioneer's alfalfa varieties are designed with forage quality in mind. We also offer HarvXtra varieties that contain less lignin in each plant, which boots relative forage quality.

Pioneer inoculant technologies are designed to maximize feed performance by optimizing the desirable traits of your forages.
Click below for more information on Pioneer brand products.
Missouri Southern Seed
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